Release 0.32: Primate Native, support for Voby and Eta frontends

Today we're announcing the availability of the Primate 0.32 preview release. This release introduces support for building native applications with Primate Native, adds two new frontends, Voby and Eta, and includes a host of other changes.

If you're new to Primate, we recommend reading the Getting started page to get an idea of it.

Building native applications

Primate native allows you to package your existing project, as-is, into a desktop application.

Compilation is currently only supported using Bun. In the future, as runtimes mature their compilation capabilities, we will add support for Node and Deno.


npm install @primate/native


Import and initialize the module in your configuration.

import native from "@primate/native";

export default {
  modules: [

By default, when the application is launched, it will access / (the route at routes/index.js. Change that by setting the start property during configuration.

import native from "@primate/native";

export default {
  modules: [
      start: "/home",


To compile your project, make sure you have Bun installed, and then run

bun --bun x primate build desktop


Choosing the desktop target will detect your current operating system and use it as the compilation target. To cross-compile, specify the exact target.

bun --bun x primate build linux-x64

Currently available targets are linux-x64, windows-x64, darwin-x64 and darwin-arm64.

The future of Primate Native

This release is only the first step towards bringing everything Primate has to offer to desktop applications. In the next releases, we plan to add support for additional targets such as mobile devices, as well as provide means to package apps (msi, dmg, deb, rpm and so on). We're also planning on adding helper functions to detect a user's home as well as config directory. Feedback and feature requests are welcome.

New supported frontend: Voby

Voby is a high-performance framework with fine-grained signal-based reactivity for building rich applications.


npm install @primate/voby


Import and initialize the module in your configuration.

import voby from "@primate/voby";

export default {
  modules: [


Create a Voby component in components.

export default ({ posts, title }) => {
  return <>
    <h1>All posts</h1>
    {{ id, title}) => <h2><a href={`/post/view/${id}`}>{title}</a></h2>)}

Serve it from a route.

import view from "primate/handler/view";

const posts = [{
  id: 1,
  title: "First post",

export default {
  get() {
    return view("PostIndex.voby", { posts });

The rendered component will be accessible at http://localhost:6161/voby.

New supported frontend: Eta

Eta is a faster, more lightweight, and more configurable EJS alternative.


npm install @primate/eta


Import and initialize the module in your configuration.

import eta from "@primate/eta";

export default {
  modules: [

Create an Eta component in components.

<h1>All posts</h1>
<% it.posts.forEach(function(post){ %>
<h2><a href="/post/view/<%= %>"><%= post.title %></a></h2>
<% }) %>

Serve it from a route.

import view from "primate/handler/view";

const posts = [{
  id: 1,
  title: "First post",

export default {
  get() {
    return view("post-index.eta", { posts });

The rendered component will be accessible at http://localhost:6161/eta.

Quality of life improvements

Migrating from 0.31

HTML removed from core

The HTML frontend has been moved from core into its own package, @primate/html. If you previously used HTML components, install @primate/html and load it in your configuration.

Normalized names for database configuration

All database drivers now use the same terminology to refer to the database to use. Specifically, the JSON and SQLite drivers previously used the filename property in their configuration to denote the location of the database file. This is now database across the board.

Changed module imports

All backend, frontend and store modules now reside within their own packages.

// previously `import { typescript } from "@primate/binding";`
import typescript from "@primate/typescript";

// previously `import { svelte } from "@primate/frontend";`
import svelte from "@primate/svelte";

// previously `import { sqlite } from "@primate/store";`
import sqlite from "@primate/sqlite";

Debarrelled imports for handlers

Primate handlers now use paths instead of named exports.

// previously `import { view } from "primate";`
import view from "primate/handler/view";

export default {
  get() {
    return view("index.svelte");

You can apply a route migration script your routes directory to convert all routes to the new format.

Note that the script won't convert combined imports of the form import { view, redirect } from "primate";.

Changed I18N imports

The translation and locale imports of I18N are now imported directly from the frontend package.

  // previously `import t from "@primate/i18n/svelte";`
  import t from "@primate/svelte/i18n";
  // previously `import { locale } from "@primate/i18n/svelte";`
  import locale from "@primate/svelte/locale";

  let count = 0;
<button on:click={() => { count = count - 1; }}>-</button>
<button on:click={() => { count = count + 1; }}>+</button>
<h3>{$t("Switch language")}</h3>
<div><a on:click={() => locale.set("en-US")}>{$t("English")}</a></div>
<div><a on:click={() => locale.set("de-DE")}>{$t("German")}</a></div>

Removed modules

Remove any @primate/types imports and uses in your configuration file.

Removed imports

Don't import Response anymore, it is available in the global context of all runtimes.

If you previously imported Status, import instead the individual statuses from @rcompat/http/status.

import { OK } from "@rcompat/http/status";

export default {
  get() {
    return new Response("Hello, world!", { status: OK });

Removed Logger

Remove any Logger imports. You can now set the log level when running Primate:

npx primate --loglevel=info

The log levels stayed the same: info, warn and error.

Use build.define instead of build.transform

Previously, you could define a build.transform and build.mapper to specify textual replacements during build-time. We now use esbuild's identifier replacement.

export default {
  build: {
    define: {
      DEBUG: "true",
      APP_NAME: "'Primate'",

Note that this is an identifier replacement, so if you want the identifier DEBUG to be replaced with boolean true, you'd write DEBUG: "true", but if you want the replacement to be a string, be sure to quote it properly: APP_NAME: "'Primate'".

According to esbuild, the expression which the identifier is mapped to can "either be a JSON object (null, boolean, number, string, array, or object) or a single identifier".

Other changes

Consult the full changelog for a list of all relevant changes.

Next on the road

Some of the things we plan to tackle in the upcoming weeks are,

This list isn't exhaustive or binding. None, some or all of these features may be included in 0.33, and other features may be prioritized according to feedback.


If you like Primate, consider joining our Discord server.

Otherwise, have a blast with the new version!