
Data store drivers

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The store module comes with different driver wrappers, with a variety ranging between in-memory, volatile storage to cloud-based storage with SurrealDB.

Regardless of what driver you decide to use, the store actions are all the same. The @primate/store module will map these store actions to underlying driver calls and the runtime types used in your stores to the best approximated field type used by the driver.


The in-memory store driver is the default driver, used by store unless you specify an alternate one using the driver property.

import store from "@primate/store";

export default {
  modules: [
     // if `driver` isn't specified, use the in-memory driver

This driver requires no DBMS to be installed and is by its nature volatile -- its contents only exist in memory during the lifetime of the app run. It's a good fit if you want to quickly prototype your data stores, but you will most likely want to switch to persistent storage later on.

JSON file

The JSON file driver stores all data in JSON file on the filesystem. It accepts a configuration object with the database property to indicate in which file the data will be managed. This file doesn't have to exist and will be created for you if it doesn't, but you must have permissions to write to it.

import store from "@primate/store";
import json from "@primate/store/json";

export default {
  modules: [
       // use the JSON file driver, store at the data /tmp/data.json
       driver: json({
         database: "/tmp/data.json",


npm install @primate/sqlite

Similarly to the JSON file driver, the SQLite driver uses the database property to indicate in what file to manage the data. If unset, it will default to ":memory:", using SQLite in-memory, volatile database.

import store from "@primate/store";
import sqlite from "@primate/sqlite";

export default {
  modules: [
       // use the SQLite driver, store at the data /tmp/data.db
       driver: sqlite({
         database: "/tmp/data.db",


npm install @primate/mongodb

The MongoDB module requires running a MongoDB server either locally or remotely. Visit the MongoDB website or consult your operating system's manuals on how to install and run a server.

This driver uses the host (default "localhost"), port (default 27017) and database configuration properties.

import store from "@primate/store";
import mongodb from "@primate/mongodb";

export default {
  modules: [
       // use the MongoDB server at localhost:27017 and the "app" database
       driver: mongodb({
         // if "localhost", can be omitted
         host: "localhost",
         // if 27017, can be omitted
         port: 27017,
         // database to use
         database: "app",


npm install @primate/postgresql

The PostgreSQL module requires running a PostgerSQL server either locally or remotely. Visit the PostgreSQL website or consult your operating system's manuals on how to install and run a server.

This driver uses the host (default "localhost"), port (default 5432) database, username, and password configuration properties.

import store from "@primate/store";
import postgresql from "@primate/postgresql";

export default {
  modules: [
      // use the PostgreSQL server at localhost:5432 and the "app" database
      driver: postgresql({
        // if "localhost", can be omitted
        host: "localhost",
        // if 5432, can be omitted
        port: 5432,
        // database to use
        database: "app",
        // user credentials
        username: "username",
        password: "password",


npm install @primate/mysql

The MySQL module requires running a MySQL server either locally or remotely. Visit the MySQL website or consult your operating system's manuals on how to install and run a server.

This driver uses the host (default "localhost"), port (default 3306) database, username, and password configuration properties.


import store from "@primate/store";
import mysql from "@primate/mysql";

export default {
  modules: [
      // use the MySQL server at localhost:3306 and the "app" database
      driver: mysql({
        // if "localhost", can be omitted
        host: "localhost",
        // if 3306, can be omitted
        port: 3306,
        // database to use
        database: "app",
        // user credentials
        username: "username",
        password: "password",


This driver does not yet support automatic transaction rollback.

npm install @primate/surrealdb

The SurrealDB module requires running a SurrealDB server either locally or remotely. Visit the SurrealDB website or consult your operating system's manuals on how to install and run a server.

This driver uses the host (default "http://localhost"), port (default 8000), path (default: ""rpc""), namespace, database, username, and password configuration properties.

import store from "@primate/store";
import surrealdb from "@primate/surrealdb";

export default {
  modules: [
      // use the SurrealDB server at http://localhost:8000/rpc, the "default"
      // namespace and the "app" database
      driver: surrealdb({
        // if "http://localhost", can be omitted
        host: "http://localhost",
        // if 8000, can be omitted
        port: 8000,
        // if "rpc", can be omitted
        path: "rpc",
        // if "default", can be omitted,
        namespace: "default",
        // database to use
        database: "app",
        // credentials
        username: "username",
        password: "password",