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Many web applications have some form of privilege separation, for instance between guest and authenticated users. In Primate, excluding certain clients from accessing routes is achieved with guards.

A guard is a function that, like all route functions, accepts a request object as its sole parameter. Guards are tasked with deciding whether to let clients pass through, and they do so by returning exactly true. If the guard returns anything else, including undefined, the route function won't execute.


Guards are defined hierarchically alongside routes in the routes directory. To define a guard, create a +guard.js file inside routes.

import { redirect } from "primate";

export default request => {
  const { headers } = request;

  // only let in logged in users
  if (headers.get("X-User") === "robin" && headers.get("X-Pass") === "h00d") {
    return true;

  // make an exception for the /login pathname
  if (request.url.pathname === "/login") {
    return true;

  // redirect to login page
  return redirect(`/login?next=${request.url.pathname}`);

This defines a guard which checks two headers sent along the request, and if those match the given values, lets the request through. Alternatively, if the client is trying to access the /login pathname, it is also let through. In all other cases, the guard redirects the client to a login page with the current pathname provided in the query string.

For a request to be let through, the guard must return exactly true. Primate will not coerce the return value and the route function won't execute unless exactly true is returned. Whatever the guard returns will be used in its stead.

Guards thus defined are called automatically on any route in their directory level and below. Furthermore, guards cascade and it is possible to define guards in every directory inside routes such that several of them may guard the same route.

Cascading guards

Consider the following route layout inside routes.

├─ admin/
  └─ +guard.js
  └─ index.js
└─ post/
   └─ index.js
   └─ add.js

We here defined two guards. One on the uppermost level, which applies to all routes, and another inside the admin directory, which only applies to admin/index.js. For every route not inside admin, the uppermost guard will execute every time there's a route match. For the admin/index.js route, the uppermost guard will first execute, and if it has let through the client, the inner guard at admin/+guard.js will then be the final adjudicator of whether to let in the client.
