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Layouts are currently only supported by the Primate Svelte, Solid and React handler.

While you can change the default HTML page in pages/app.html or even create and use other HTML pages in your handlers, those usually refer to the enclosing HTML code around your application, concerned with the loading of scripts and other assets, but not with the internal division of content itself.

At the same time, some areas of your app often consistently feature a header, some with or without a sidebar or other recurring elements.


Layouts are defined hierarchically alongside routes in the routes directory. To define a layout, create a +layout.js file inside routes.

Similarly to the special guard files, a layout gets a request parameter and can respond with a proper handler -- usually view. Here is an example of a layout rendering a Svelte component with its own data, distinct from that of the route itself (@primate/frontend must be installed and loaded in the project).

import { view } from "primate";

export default () => {
  return view("layout.svelte", { hello: "world" });

Adding the component

The view handler loads the layout.svelte file from the components directory, as it does with normal routes.

  export let data;
  This is a layout

This layout does three things: it has its own text ("This is a layout"), prints the contents of the hello data prop handed down to it from the layout function, and includes anything (another layout, or the route's output itself) by replacing <slot></slot> with it.

Unlike guards, which work top-down, layouts work bottom-up: they are included in each other, with the innermost layout including the output of the route, and being recursively included itself, up to the root layout.
