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On the web, values are inherently strings. Whether it's a URL's path, query string parts, or the submitted fields of a form, everything boils down to strings. When working on the backend with Primate, it is often important to assert a runtime type concept, including a way to coerce strings into a given type and validate that coerced values lie within an expected range or satisfy other conditions.

Primate types aren't programming types in a real sense. Unlike static types, they provide a form of runtime safety. You can think of them as coercive value predicates; a boolean runtime type would consider both boolean true and string "true" as true, which is what you would expect on the web.


Types are defined in the types directory, unless specified elsewise in the configuration. Type filenames are alphanumeric and lowercase-first. Any files not starting with a lowercase letter will be ignored.

Type files are described using an object containing a base (string) and a validate (function) property.

Here is an example for a number type, a type that makes sure a string is numeric and outputs its as a number.

// `is` asserts invariants, `numeric` returns true if a string is numeric
import { is, numeric } from "rcompat/invariant";

export default {
  base: "f64",
  validate(value) {
    // make sure value is a string, otherwise throw

    const n = numeric(value) ? Number(value) : value;
    if (typeof n === "number") {
      return n;
    throw new Error(`\`${value}\` is not a number`);

If a string can be successfully converted to a number, a number type will returned. Otherwise the validate function will throw.

Unlike the example, there is nothing stopping you from accepting other base types like number or bigint as input, but your main input type will usually be strings.

The base property is relevant when you use other languages aside from JavaScript (like Go).

You can also create more elaborate types, like uuid.

import { is } from "rcompat/invariant";

const valid = /^[^\W_]{8}-[^\W_]{4}-[^\W_]{4}-[^\W_]{4}-[^\W_]{12}$/u;

export default {
  base: "string",
  validate(value) {
    // make sure value is a string, otherwise throw

    if (valid.test(value)) {
      return value;
    throw new Error(`${value} is not a valid UUID`);

The uuid type makes sure a string is a valid UUID. Here no type conversion is necessary, as UUIDs are strings.

The number and uuid types are so common that they're included in a Primate module, @primate/types, alongside many other commonly used types.


Primate types can be imported and used anywhere in your application to ensure certain code invariants are met. In addition, many of Primate's built-in features integrate seamlessly with the types you define.

Path parameters

In Primate's filesystem-based routes, path parameters may be additionally specified with types to ensure the path adheres to a certain format.

export default {
    GET /user/b8c5b7b2-4f4c-4939-81d8-d1bdadd888c5
    -> "User ID is b8c5b7b2-4f4c-4939-81d8-d1bdadd888c5"

    GET /user/1
    -> Error
  get(request) {
    const userId = request.path.get("userId");
    return `User ID is ${userId}`;

In the above example, using the uuid type we previously defined in types, we make sure the route function is only executed if the GET request is to a pathname starting with user/ and followed by a valid UUID.

Request query

Likewise, the request's query string parts, which we previously accessed using request.query.get, may be typed to ensure adherence to a given format. This can be achieved manually by importing the type. Here we'll also create an additional user type coercing the ID into a user object, to get a proper user object and not just the ID.

import number from "./number.js";

const users = [
    id: 6161
    name: "Donald",

export default {
  type: "object",
  validate(id) {
    // ids must be numbers
    const n = number(id);

    const user = users.find(user => === n);
    if (user !== undefined) {
      return user;
    throw new Error(`no user with ID ${id}`);

We then use the type to assert the id is a user id and coerce it into a user, returning the user object as JSON.

import user from "../types/user.js";

export default {
    GET /user?userId=6161
    -> `{ id: 6161, name: "Donald" }`

    GET /user?userId=1616
    -> Error
  get(request) {
    return user.validate(request.query.get("userId"));

This is generally OK, but as routes may be arbitrarily nested, it can make importing from relative paths unseemly. For that, Primate enhances the query object with dispatcher functions in the form getX, where x is the type name, for validating a property's value.

export default {
    GET /user?userId=6161
    -> `{ id: 6161, name: "Donald" }`

    GET /user?userId=1616
    -> Error
  get(request) {
    // get the "userId" property from the request query, running it through the
    // `user` type, returning the user object or throwing in case of a failure
    return request.query.getUser("userId");

Primate here adds any defined types as dispatcher getX functions of the request.query object, in addition to the get function which allows direct access to the query string parts. As there is no user in our dataset with the ID 1616, if a client tries to access GET /user?userId=1616, the route will throw with the client redirected to an error page.

Headers and cookies

In identical fashion to the request query, you can make sure certain headers follow a given format, by retrieving them using the appropriate type getter.

export default {
    GET /user
    X-User-Id: 6161
    -> `{ id: 6161, name: "Donald" }`

    GET /user
    X-User-Id: 1616
    -> Error
  get(request) {
    return request.headers.getUser("X-User-Id");

The same applies to cookies.

export default {
    GET /user
    Cookie: userId=6161
    -> `{ id: 6161, name: "Donald" }`

    GET /user
    Cookie: userId=1616
    -> Error
  get(request) {
    return request.cookies.getUser("userId");

Related modules

Primate's ecosystem extends the concept of runtime types by providing many defaults and integrating with database types.


Most of the time you won't need to define your own runtime types unless you have very specific use cases. Primate's Types module comes with a handful of common types. By importing and loading this module, its types will be injected and available wherever types are used.


The Primate Store module, used for data persistence, also integrates with Primate's runtime type concept and extends upon it.
