
Project structure

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While Primate can run without any project structure at all, here is a typical setup you would use.

[project root]
├─ static/
  └─ # static assets
├─ pages/
  └─ app.html
├─ primate.config.js
├─ package.json
├─ routes/
  └─ # filesystem-based routes
└─ components/
   └─ # frontend components


This directory contains static assets such as JavaScript, CSS, font files or anything else you would want Primate to serve statically.

Every file in this directory is mapped to the root path, /. For example, if you have a style.css file, it will be served at the path /style.css.

Static assets take precedence over routes. You can configure Primate to serve static assets from a different path by setting the http.static.root option in your configuration to something else.


This directory contains a collection of page templates you use with your components, including the default app.html that you can override.


Your project configuration file. If it doesn't exist, Primate will use its default configuration. If it exists, Primate will merge your custom configuration with the defaults, using properties you set to override defaults. Refer to the configuration section for an in-depth review of all options.


While it is not strictly required to have a package.json file in your project, it is useful for pinning the version of Primate and of additional modules you use.

To pin the current version of Primate for your project, run npm install primate. A package.json file will be created for you if it doesn't exist. Make sure you commit this file into your version control system.


This directory contains all your app routes hierarchically. If you were creating a blog, this is how a typical layout could look like.

web app routes
├─ index.js # view homepage -> /
└─ post/
   ├─ add.js # add post -> /post/add
   └─ [postId]/
      ├─ comment/
  └─ add.js # add comment on post -> /post/1/comment/add
      ├─ comments.js # show comments on posts -> /post/1/comments
      ├─ delete.js # delete post -> /post/1/delete
      └─ edit.js # edit post -> /post/1/edit

Some of the above route examples use 1, where in fact any value could be used for [postId]. We'll later come back to path parameters in depth.

Here we chose our paths to represent CRUD actions. This is appropriate for a web app that uses the same route for showing and submitting a form. However, if you were developing an API, you might opt for using a wider variety of HTTP verbs. In that case, your layout might look a little different.

API routes
├─ post.js # create post, read posts -> /post
└─ post/
   ├─ [postId].js # read, update, delete post -> post/1
   └─ [postId]/
      ├─ comment.js # create comment, read comments -> /post/1/comment
      └─ [commentId].js # read, update, delete comment -> post/1/comment/2


This directory contains a collection of components for your app. These can be any type of file supported by Primate's content handlers. In our initial example, we placed an HTML page in this directory which we then served with the view handler.

If your app is an API or doesn't have any views, you don't need to create this directory.

Primate's official modules include support for various frontend frameworks such as React, Vue, Svelte, Solid or HTMX.