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Primate has three log levels, Error, Warn and Info. As a general rule, an Error causes severe disruption to the application (and leads to bailout during startup), Warn indicates degraded functionality in an otherwise nominal system, and Info serves to give more information. In terms of actionability, Error logs must be addressed, Warn logs should be checked, and Info logs may be ignored.


By default, the error level is to set to Warn, which logs all errors and warnings. You can change this in your configuration.

import { Logger } from "primate";

export default {
  logger: {
    // show all logs
    level: Logger.Info,

Primate logs are implemented as JavaScript errors and thus carry a stack. If you want the stack trace to be output in addition to Primate's own logging (in the case of Error or Warn logs), set trace to true.

import { Logger } from "primate";

export default {
  logger: {
    // show all logs
    level: Logger.Info,
    // show stack traces for errors and warnings
    trace: true,

When Primate shows errors or warnings, it will include a short reason and a quickfix, as well as link to the website for a longer explanation and fix.

?? primate/store empty store directory
++ populate /home/user/app/stores with stores
   -> https://primatejs.com/modules/store#empty-store-directory


Marked by two red exclamation marks, !!.

An error means a severe disruption to the application and must be addressed. Errors which occur during runtime indicate a severe mismatch between two parts of an application (for example, trying to use the view handler with a file extension that hasn't been registered by an module).

Errors occuring during startup are bailouts.


Errors occuring during startup result in a bailout and must be addressed before a restart is possible.

Bailouts are almost always the result of a misconfiguration that would introduce ambiguity into how Primate operates.


Marked by two yellow question marks, ??.

A warning means degraded functionality in an otherwise functional application, and should be checked. Warnings usually indicate having configured a certain feature (like loading a module) but not using it.


Marked by two green minuses, --.

Info logs serve to provide more insight into the internal workings of Primate and can be usually ignored.

Possibly intentional

Some info logs are indicated as possibly intentional. This is due to Primate not knowing if this is due to a client misconfiguration (for example, using a client that sends alphanumeric strings where numeric strings are expected) or due to actual client manipulation.


Marked by two blue pluses, ++.

In the cases of known Warn and Error logs, Primate will suggest a quickfix which may help addressing the problem, in addition to supplying a link to the error on the website.

Error list

Double File Extension

Level Error | Bailout

Two handlers are using the same file extension. File extensions must be uniquely mappable to a handler. All handlers allow you to use an alternative file extension.

Use a different file extension for one of the handlers.

Double Module

Level Error | Bailout

Two modules are using the same name in primate.config.is. A module's name property is its unique identifier and must not be doubled.

Load the module only once.

Double Path Parameter

Level Error | Bailout

The same parameter is used twice in one route, as in routes/[user_id]/[user_id].js. Path parameters are mapped to request.query and using the same name twice (with or without a type) creates ambiguity.

Disambiguate path parameters in route names.

Double Route

Level Error | Bailout

The same route is used twice, as in routes/user.js and routes/user/index.js or routes/post/[foo].js and /routes/post/[bar].js, creating mapping ambiguity. Routes must be unique, and while you can mix styles in your application (like routes/user.js and routes/comment/index.js), you must not use the same style for the same route.

Disambiguate the routes by consolidating them into one file of the path style of your choosing.

Empty Route File

Level Warn

An empty route file exists, that is a route file without or with an empty default export.

Add routes to the file or remove it.

Empty Config File

Level Warn

The configuration file at primate.config.js was loaded without or with an empty default export.

Add configuration options to the file or remove it.

Empty Path Parameter

Level Error | Bailout

A nameless path parameter ([]) was found. Primate cannot match empty path parameters.

Name the path parameter or remove it.

Empty Route File

Level Warn

A route file without routes was found. An empty file may create the false impression that it handles certain paths.

Add routes to the file or remove it completely.

Empty Directory

Level Warn

One of the default directories is empty.

Primate is an opt-in framework, that is most of its aspects, like routes or types are only active when their directories exist. Such an empty directory could mean you intended to use something but haven't.

Populate the directory with files or remove it completely.

Error In Config File

Level Error | Bailout

JavaScript error encountered when importing primate.config.js.

Check and address errors in the config file by running it directly.

Invalid Body Returned

Level Error

Invalid body was returned from route. This is usually caused when you forget to add a return value from your route.

Return a proper body from route.

Invalid Default Export

Level Error | Bailout

A file has an invalid default export. Some special files like guards, layouts or error files must expose a function as their default export.

Use only functions for the default export of the given file.

Invalid Path

Level Error | Bailout

Invalid characters in a path. Path filenames (including directory filenames) are limited to letters, digits, '_', '[', ']' or '='.

Use only letters, digits, '_', '[', ']' or '=' in path filenames.

Invalid Type Export

Level Error | Bailout

A type file has an invalid default export.

Export object with a base string and a validate function.

Invalid Type Name

Level Error | Bailout

Invalid characters in the filename of a type.

Use only Latin letters and decimal digits in type filenames, that is lowercase and uppercase A to Z as well as 0 to 9.

Mismatched Body

Level Error

The given content type does not correspond to the actual body contents.

If unintentional, make sure the body payload corresponds to the used content type.

Mismatched Path

Level Info | Possibly Intentional

Type mismatch in path parameters, precluding the route from executing.

If unintentional, fix the type or the caller.

Mismatched Type

Level Info | Possibly Intentional

Type mismatch during the execution of a route function, stopping the route. The mismatch happened in a body, query, cookies or headers field.

If unintentional, fix the type or the caller.

Module Has No Hooks

Level Warn

Module loaded without hooks.

If this is a ad-hoc module, add hooks to it to make effective. If a third-party module, contact the maintainer.

Modules Has No Name

Level Error | Bailout

Module loaded without a name property. Without this property Primate cannot detect if a module has been loaded more than once.

If this is a ad-hoc module, add a name property to it to make it unique. If it is a third-party module, contact its maintainer.

Modules Must Be Array

Level Error | Bailout

The modules config property must be an array.

Change the module config property to an array or remove it completely.

No Handler For Extension

Level Error

No appropriate handler was found for the given file extension using the view handler.

Add a handler module for files of the given extension or change this route.

No Route To Path

Level Info | Possibly Intentional

Cannot map the given path to a route, as in GET /user.js when route/user.js does not exist or have a get property function.

If unintentional, create an appropriate route function.

Reserved Type Name

Level Error | Bailout

Reserved type name used. Reserved types are: get, raw.

Do not use any reserved name in type filenames.
